Products / Headlamp Assembly / Glue Cell - Single Robot Slide System 2 Position
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Glue Cell - Single Robot Slide System 2 Position

Headlamp Assembly

Glue cell utlises  a slide system to present the material to the robot zone. This can be preferable to rotary table solutions as a lower cost and lower complexity solution where longer cycle times are acceptable or for wider components. In this example you can see various elements including a single robot making three cycles, air cleaning / palsma treatment of housing and 2 component adhesive application along with the slide system to present the material to the robot. The lens in held in vacuum cups and then lowered onto the hosuing via a servo driven vertical axis. In addition the lens is held in a compressed position via pneumatic cylinders whilst the fixture can be rotated to allow easy access to insert clips to the front and back of the light bar.

